We create an accepting work environment where everyone can be themselves. We do this because we simply believe that it is right. A sense of security supports making bold business decisions. It’s in our DNA, which is why we always oppose any form of discrimination

Adam Kiciński for Forbes Women (2023)

Inclusivity and non-discrimination are CD PROJEKT’s key values and we put special care into making every employee feel like a part of our team. Therefore, we took an active part in the worldwide celebrations of Pride Month – a special time for many at our company. 

On June 17 CD PROJEKT employees and their loved ones took part in the biggest Polish Equality Parade in Warsaw, where they proudly marched in the name of love, freedom and social justice under the “OPEN WORLD” banner. Among them was CD PROJEKT’s CEO – Adam Kiciński, who, earlier that month, signed a Forbes Women’s letter of support for the LGBTQIA+ community, alongside 30 representatives of the largest companies in Poland. 

We also want to contribute to the community, which is why we made a donation to Campaign Against Homophobia (Kampania Przeciw Homofobii) – an organisation which promotes legal equality for members of LGBTQIA+ community.

Last but not least, to foster an inclusive and safe work environment, we want to continuously educate our employees in matters of effective allyship. To advance this objective, a webinar was conducted for CD PROJEKT staff by the Stonewall group, which offered appropriate tools to support LGBTQIA+ colleagues inside and outside the office.