One day after the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, i.e. on 25 February 2022, acting in the spirit of solidarity with the victims of this aggression, we donated PLN 1 million to the Polish Humanitarian Action designated for helping refugees and victims of the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine. Considering the need to coordinate the aid efforts being undertaken, CD PROJEKT set up an inter-departmental team consisting of representatives of the International Communication, Administrative, HR and Payroll and Legal Departments. Its task is to monitor the situation on an ongoing basis and directing aid to where it is most needed.
As CD PROJEKT we also offered to help the Ukrainian members of our teams and their loved ones. We provided psychological support and legal assistance and we organized their stay in Poland. So far, 2 families have taken advantage of our offer of lodging. From the early days of the war we have also stayed in regular contact with all of the members of our team. We advise them of the company’s decisions, the possible forms of volunteerism and changes to government regulations.
We organized a collection of basic personal hygiene products in collaboration with non-governmental organizations: SOS Wioski Dziecięce and the Ocalenie Foundation. We jointly prepared meals in the canteen in our office for refugees residing in reception points. We organized a special stream on 14 March 2022 on the CD PROJEKT channel on the Twitch platform during which representatives of CD PROJEKT played the studio’s games. We donated PLN 15 thousand during this event for the Foundation.
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Faced with the ongoing war-time activities on 3 March 2022 the CD PROJEKT Management Board decided to refrain from selling the CD PROJEKT Group’s products and selling games available on the GOG.COM platform in Russia and Belarus. We were among the first companies to make and announce such a decision.
On top of the initiatives organized as part of the CD PROJEKT Group, our team members actively supported a number of grassroots initiatives to help refugees from Ukraine. All of the volunteers directly involved in helping refugees received 3 additional days of paid leave.
In response to numerous inquiries, we announced a new initiative – an internship program addressed to young Ukrainians forced to relocate to Poland following the invasion. Eight internships were offered as part of the program, four of which related to the videogame development. The paid internship lasted for three months. Participants were provided with accommodation (if required), free lunches at our canteen and Polish language classes.